Sunday, November 06, 2005

Day One: Spain by Ferry & San Lucar de Barrameda

For fall break I took off for the southern coast of Spain and Portugal with friends who teach at the school where I'm working. Our journey started minutes before midnight on Friday night with a LOOOOONG train ride up to the coast where we caught the Saturday morning ferry to Tarifa, Spain.

Bethany, Lisa & Me, Victoria & Naomi

Despite the lack of sleep on the train (the couchettes were full - so we were sitting up all night!), excitement was inescapable as we anticipated the next leg of our journey. We really weren't sure how we were going to make it to SanLucar de Barrameda, but we arrived in Tarifa in the early afternoon and headed directly to the Officina de Turisma. The woman in the office was quite helpful and explained that we couldn't take a bus directly to SanLucar, but pointed us in the direction of the taxis. We said goodbye to Naomi who was headed in the opposite direction up the coast and then managed to find the taxi stand. Communicating was a challange, but Bethany and I pulled some high school spanish out of the back corners of our brains and we were soon loading our luggage into the back of a white mercedes taxi. The ride to San Lucar de Barrameda took about 2 and 1/2 hours, so we arrived just before 3pm. We had the taxi drop us off at the Officina de Turisma, which of course closed at 2pm. They did have a map tacked up to the window and a list of pensions and hotels. We located a couple of addresses on the map and headed towards the little town center to find a few beds.

Not too far past this little square we came to another filled with fruit stands and trinket sellers, and that's where we found Pension San Roque. The man who answered the door was a jolly Spaniard in his fifties. He spoke no English, so we were back to broken high school Spanish, but he was forgiving and we followed him up a narrow winding staircase where he showed us a couple of rooms to choose from. By this time we were exhausted from our million hours of travelling (how in the world did pilgrims spend months crossing the ocean on the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria???) so we enjoyed hot showers and a siesta before discovering what we had come to see - the annual Feria de Tapas of San Lucar de Barrameda.


At 11/07/2005 11:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


Wow, I'm way impressed with your blogsite! ¡Que bonito! Wish I could have heard you all floundering with your highschool Spanish. Is it easy to mix Spanish up with French? I've heard they are very very similar. I don't have much experience traveling in foreign countries, just one - New Zealand, but I so enjoyed the ease of finding cheap lodgings and food in kiwi towns. Why don't we have hostels (I'm assuming these are similar to the pensions you mention) in America? How long was the ferry ride to Spain? Enjoy the tapa festival! I look forward to your next post. Much love,

At 11/08/2005 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Becki. Karise forwarded me your comment & blog site. It's so good to hear from you again. When the email address I had stopped working, I thought I'd lost you.

To answer your questions...
I was married in January of 04. We never dated. We were just good friends. I had no idea if he thought of me as a pal / little sis / or something else. I knew that inspite of all my efforts not to, I had fallen in love. We had taken a trip together for my birthday to watch a Lord of the Rings trilogy, and he seemed different after that. I suspected that he had started to like me, but I assumed that if it had taken him 2 1/2 years to decide he liked me, we were going to have a long courtship. You can imagine how shocked I was then when a week later he asked me to marry him w/o having said anything to me about his feelings previously. We ended up being married 34 days later b/c Marty & Selena were leaving for China soon after that. I refused to get married w/o them at the wedding, and we agreed that it would not be wise to wait until they came back for a visit which would have been anywhere from 6 months to a year. So here we are almost 2 years later & expecting our 2nd. (Our first went home to be with the Lord soon after we realized he existed.) We are very excited. I currently am a stay at home wife, but lately I've been working pretty much full-time for my husband's side business. He works full-time as a computer consultant, but is also an owner in a business that he runs in his "spare" time. The business is picking up which is exciting, but that means it's demanding more & more of both of our time which makes for a pretty "all work no play" kind of life. We just keep plugging away though & trust that "this too shall pass." :)

Well, That's the update on my life. I'd like to hear about you. I couldn't find any blogs on what led you to Morrocco & what it is you do there. I'd love to hear. I'm glad to see you're still traveling & having a great time. How is the rest of your family doing? I hope all are well. Looking forward to hearing from you when you get a chance. You can reach me at ...still. :)

At 11/08/2005 5:58 PM, Blogger Bequita17 said...

Al - yup, the pensions are pretty much the same thing as hostels. When did you go to New Zealand? That sounds like fun! Sometime in the next decade I'd love my wanderings to drop me down in NZ/Australia!

Evedna - WOW! What an incredible story!!! I'll email you more from my side of the globe :)


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