Thursday, May 18, 2006

Camping in the Desert

Yeah, I am so slow in posting stuff! While Kim was here we drove down to the Sahara Desert (about 8 hours away) to do a camping trip. Kim had never in her life been camping, so this was about the roughest initiation, but we both survived :) even without toilets. We got to a hotel on the edge of the desert where we met our guides (the blue men) and our camels. They picked me to ride on the littlest guy, so I named him JR. I know, it's so original, right? I named Kim's camel Martzie (which rhymes with what? Fartzie! I'll let you guess why). She gave it some other name like Harry or something very uninteresting (I can feel a comment being slammed at me even as I type!). Anyway, we were really grateful for the turbans since we had a sandstorm ravaging us upon arrival. I tried not to take too many pictures because I was afraid of getting sand in my camera (which I did at the sand dunes in France with my old camera & it cost me a fortune to fix the camera and it was never quite right after that). Anyway, here are a few pix to prove we really did ride those camels. The first day I thought it wasn't bad at all. We rode about 2 hours to get out to the area where tents were set up for making dinner and sleeping. It was the first time I had been camping without a toilet, so that was interesting - I didn't do too much drinking! I guess there are fates worse than facing a squatty potty!!!

The Blue Men


Ready to go!

Our Camel Train

Ah, our tent


At 5/18/2006 10:00 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

How fun and exciting. That is one adventure that not many people can say they have experienced. Miss you lots.

At 5/19/2006 8:14 AM, Blogger Bequita17 said...

Shannon - I miss you too! Guess what day I am headed out of here? Your birthday! I'll be thinking of you, but I'm heading first to Germany for 2 weeks of grad classes.

At 5/19/2006 2:53 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I'm so jealous! But excited to see you here in sunny SC in July. I'm not sure if I answered your question from before or not... the wedding is June 10th.


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