Vi Feria de la Tapa
After our naps and showers we felt human again (I sound like my dad!) and wandered around the town...
... until we found the square where every restaurant in town must have set up a Tapas booth!
When we first arrived, not many people were eating yet. 7:30 is a little early for dinner in Spain! We tried reading the menus that were marked on white boards or hung on poster board at the backs of the booths, but my rememberances of high school spanish only got me as far as "gambas" (shrimp) and "marisco" (seafood). So when we saw "gambas" that's what we ordered, and at other times we asked for the waiter to "recommende" something (I am not sure if that is really spanish or just french with a spanish accent, but they seemed to understand that we wanted a recommendation). When Spaniards started eating around us we began pointing and asking for "el mismo por favor" - the same thing please!
One of our favorites was a dish of squid in garlic butter sauce:

One of our favorites was a dish of squid in garlic butter sauce:

Another favorite was a fish dish that came with asparagus. After ordering 2 platefuls of that we asked if we could order another plate of just asparagus. The waiter told us no, that was impossible. After joking and smiling a lot and telling him a few more times how delicious his food was he turned around and said something to the cook and eventually a plate of asparagus came thru the window... I learned a few things from my dad in his single days, like the power of smiling at the waiter ;)
After trying something from just about every appetizing booth (good thing an order was only 4 bites!) we sat down on a bench to people watch. Wow - it seemed like just about everyone had stepped out of a fashion magazine. Europeans really know how to dress! After a few minutes we had observed that not only are Eighties clothes coming back into style, but THE MULLET IS BACK!!! Unbelievable!
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Your tapas adventure sounds delicioso! Wish I could get the recipe for that asparagus dish. What spices were on it? Was it cooked in a butter sauce? Very sad to hear of the mullet's return. I sure hope it will be another few years before that hits America. Chloe is gumming my knuckles as I try to type . . . the asparagus must be making her hungry too!
Love and hugs,
Hi Rebecca,
Just watching for the next post :)
love you,
Aunt Shirley
This is the excuse I have been lookinig for to grow my mullet back. I hope all is well. I will be with your dad and Heather for thanksgiving so you will be in our thoughts.
Al - I think it was more of a creamy sauce with the asparagus. I'll have to check my pictures :)
Bill - Can't wait to see a picture of that mullet! I'll miss being w/ you guys for T-giving.
Dave - sure I remember you from school. congrats on your upcoming wedding! what kind of recipes are you looking for? I followed a friend around & wrote down the process for a deliciouso Tajine w/ lamb (or beef) and prunes simmered with ginger, cinnamon & saffron.
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