Monday, June 26, 2006

Guten Tag!

I made it to Germany! As I power-walked through my connection in Paris and then arrived at the airport in Basel my thoughts surprised me. I found myself fascinated by all the blue eyes and blond hair. I couldn't stop checking out all the fun clothes I saw walking past me. It was so weird to be fascinated by what was once so normal and mundane. I found a wonderful woman waiting to drive me over to the little town of Kandern, Germany where I'm attending classes for the next two weeks. As we drove through the cute little town I was amazed by how clean and new everything looks, and how fresh everything smells.

I had forgotten that it rains in the summer. In North Africa it is pretty much sunny every day between April and October, so I hadn't even thought to pack an umbrella. We've had thunderstorms every evening here - so I borrowed one :)

One thing that has been weird is not being able to communicate. It's good for me though because it's giving me a reminder of what so many of my co-workers go through when they arrive in North Africa. Perhaps my German vocabulary will progress a little in these two weeks!

OK - off to do homework!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Summer Plans

OK, for everybody that has been wondering where I am going to be when, here's the breakdown...

GERMANY: June 24-July 8
(taking 2 grad classes - pray for my sanity!)

NJ/PA: July 8-19

driving NJ-SC: July 20

SC: July 21-30

driving SC-NJ: July 31

NJ/PA: Aug 1-3

North Africa: August 4 through ???

Please let me know if you are going to be around while I am at one of my various "homes". And, if you want to plan for a trip out here - talk to me while I'm home!!! I LOVE having visitors :)

Miss you all (well, except for those of you who are "here") & can't wait to see you!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

study time!

I am totally supposed to be studying right now! I do have a report started. I decided I am TERRIBLE at studying when I'm on the computer. I'm way too easily distracted.

I'm taking 2 grad classes in Germany this summer before I get home to spend three weeks between NJ, PA & SC. For my Integrated Language Arts class I'm really enjoying the pre-course work. Today I did an observation in one of our first grade classes of a Language Arts Lesson and a Math Lesson. So, my report is kind of started and that's really what I should be finishing instead writing this blog... My friend Kristi teaches 1st grade and she is so organized. I knew she would be a great teacher to observe and she was - AWESOME! It was hard to go back to my desk in the cave... but I have 5 days a week with 4 year olds to look forward to when I get back :)

I got all my books for my pre-course work a couple of weeks ago and since then have spent every extra second working on my assignments. Besides Integrated Language Arts I am also taking Philosophy of Education. I've been so good about reading & studying, I'm about to explode! Every day after work & every day at lunch (except for today b/c I worked through my lunch since I was out doing class observations in the morning, well and yesterday I went out for lunch with my friend Stephanie to Chez Paul, OK so I am taking a FEW breaks). Anyway, that's why I've been slow with the blog & with email lately.

OK - so now, back to the homework...