study time!
I am totally supposed to be studying right now! I do have a report started. I decided I am TERRIBLE at studying when I'm on the computer. I'm way too easily distracted.
I'm taking 2 grad classes in Germany this summer before I get home to spend three weeks between NJ, PA & SC. For my Integrated Language Arts class I'm really enjoying the pre-course work. Today I did an observation in one of our first grade classes of a Language Arts Lesson and a Math Lesson. So, my report is kind of started and that's really what I should be finishing instead writing this blog... My friend Kristi teaches 1st grade and she is so organized. I knew she would be a great teacher to observe and she was - AWESOME! It was hard to go back to my desk in the cave... but I have 5 days a week with 4 year olds to look forward to when I get back :)
I got all my books for my pre-course work a couple of weeks ago and since then have spent every extra second working on my assignments. Besides Integrated Language Arts I am also taking Philosophy of Education. I've been so good about reading & studying, I'm about to explode! Every day after work & every day at lunch (except for today b/c I worked through my lunch since I was out doing class observations in the morning, well and yesterday I went out for lunch with my friend Stephanie to Chez Paul, OK so I am taking a FEW breaks). Anyway, that's why I've been slow with the blog & with email lately.
OK - so now, back to the homework...

I am so glad to see a new blog entry...2 wks of waiting had this PA relative wondering...I should have known there'd be a reasonable explanation, but I can't believe you are/will be so "up to your ears" just before coming stateside.
Glad to see you are taking a break. Personal experience (diss. writing) confirms that without the breaks, one eventually gets too fuzzy to be productive...or do anything well, for that matter.
Isn't Lang. Arts fun?! I'll have to root through my T. Ed. "stuff" and see if there's anything suitable for you to take back w/ you :) Is learning to hold a pencil/printing (letter formation) correctly part of the curriculum? If so, I'll try to locate the materials for teaching those skills when the teacher is left-handed :)
Love that lower lip (pic)!!!
Aunt Shirley
Yes - we work on writing skills and learning to write the letters in K-4. I would love to see that info on teaching leftys! I remember you making me write upside-down and backwards (at the kitchen table on Four Mile Rd) when you were studying the differences b/w left & right-handed writers.
Great to hear from you again. I can't wait to see you in SC. The wedding was beautiful only a few minor issues came up (should have heard the collective gasps when we discovered black guk down the back of the wedding dress). I'll write about it in my blog hopefully tonight and put up some pics as well.
Please keep the scary, pouty Rebecca out of the cave.
-The Management
Wow---what a busy load! Think'n of you and hoping for the best!
Jocelyn -
I am working at a school in North Africa right now. I will make a stop in Germany (for a couple of Grad classes) on my way back to the States. Will you be in NJ/PA at all this summer?
Shannon -
Can't wait to see the wedding pix. I've been wondering how it went & how you're doing.
Don't worry - the happy face usually gets painted on before arrival in the cave (got enough there to make me pout without thinking of homework!)
I am unfortunately not going to be in PA or Jersey at all this summer. I wish! I miss NYC so much! A friend of mine and his family are stopping here then going to Jersey and NYC next week. He had invited me along a while ago, but I don't have the vacation time or money right now. Oh well! My family has talked about taking a family trip to NYC in December-like old times.
oh my, you have caught the poochy lip disease! only cure is to take lots more breaks. :) how long will you be stateside?
you're adorable...honestly what a great picture. Great to hear from you
Happy face please
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