Sunday, May 27, 2007

How to Eat a Cupcake

We've celebrated many a birthday in our classroom this year. Usually this means that somebody's mommy comes in with an incredibly over-priced adult type birthday cake, juice, party hats and goody bags full of candy and noisemakers. In all our celebrations, we haven't had one kid-friendly cupcake on the birthday menu. So, this being an American school, I couldn't let my birthday slide by without giving my kids a chance to sample that All-American school birthday celebration classic. Thank goodness Betty Crocker has made it to Africa. She saved me a ton of time as I prepared 48 cupcakes. Now, I would have been doubly lucky if she'd brought cans of frosting with her. As it was, I found a great recipe for cream cheese frosting, but got a little carried away in my efforts. Consequently I've got about enough remaining pink frosting to frost that double decker cake that the Cat in the Hat was eating in the tub with the hot water on and the cold water too...

I gave a brief lesson on how to eat a cupcake - I didn't realize that would be part of the course when I signed up for this job. My kids are now experts - at least on sticking their fingers in the icing... I don't think anybody tried to down the paper either!


At 6/03/2007 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had cupcakes yesterday that we made ourselves. PA went for the full cupcake and PJ only licked the icing! Guess we'll have to wait til #3 eats them and breaks the tie!!


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