Thursday, March 23, 2006

Back to Kindergarten

Today I went back to Kindergarten. Actually our Kindergarten Superintendant came to observe me teaching in the English K-4 class today. I've been working in the HR office of the school this year, but I requested to be considered for an opening we have for next year as English K-4 Teacher. I knew that the superintendant and also the lower school principal were both already excited at the prospect of having me join the teaching staff, but I had to follow the protocal of being observed in the classroom before they could officially offer me the position. So, today was the big day when I actually got observed. Even though anyone who has ever seen me teach has had good things to say, I still felt that nervous ball in the pit of my stomach as I fell asleep last night. I slept fitfully - that kind of sleep you have when you're paranoid that you're going to miss your alarm clock going off in the morning. I didn't. I woke up at 4:53am, 7 minutes before the obnoxious buzzer went off.

I felt like the session went well with the kids. I had a blast teaching a lesson on emotions. It was fun getting the kids to make faces and really get into the lesson. I know teaching is hard work, but the prospect of getting up in the morning to do something I love is really exciting! Later in the afternoon our kindergarten superintendant stopped by my office to go over her observation with me. I was relieved to find out she was also elated with what she saw and she told me she had talked to the French kindergarten lead teacher and they were both really ecstatic about having me join the team. Yeah! So, I don't have a contract in my hand yet, but it looks like that will get handed to me tomorrow listing my new job assignment here as KINDERGARTEN INSTRUCTION :) Yippee!


At 3/23/2006 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Rebecca,
It is never a dull moment for you, and I can never anticipate your next move!
I chuckled when I read "Kindergarten Instructor", given the fact that the children are generally the age of Geordie, who loves every bit of attention you give you can compare notes about what Heather teaches him and what you will be teaching your students!
It looks like you found an unusual moral to the story: "if you can't skin the cat the traditional way, try another." e.i. if you have to jump through unreasonable hoops to get a credential for teaching College French, then apply to teach English to young students instead :) Both jobs are time-consuming, take loads of planning, and are worth the myriad rewards of watching them learn...I can just imagine how you taught the emotions lesson - what a fun topic, too.
This next Tuesday I drive up to Yale to go to a conference, and then on Thur pm, drive another 1 1/2 hours to Woodstock! I can't wait to see Amy and Rick, even though it will only be for Fri/Sat., then back to PA on Sun. for school on Mon.
love you,
Aunt Shirley

At 3/24/2006 3:34 AM, Blogger Bequita17 said...

Aunt Shirley -
Yeah, coming here in August I didn't even imagine that teaching could be an option for this year. I got to be friends really quickly with the current K4 teacher who was also starting her first year here. She had a really hard time adjusting to teaching kids that are primarily French/Arabic speaking when they arrive on Day 1. I was listening and wishing I had the chance to be teaching those little ones. In our Kindergarten, most of the K3 & K4 kids have had little to no English so the English preschool teachers are really ESL teachers. Since I loved teaching ESL in France (in French public high school) for 1 year and in SC (at an adult literacy center) for 2 years, I'm excited about getting that chance here. Of course teaching the little ones is much different - but it reminds me a lot of my Sunday teaching in Belgium where the kids were between 3 and 6, half were English speaking & the other half French speaking, and I was simultaneously translating for myself.

I am jealous of you getting to Woodstock! Give Amy & Rick big hugs from me.

At 3/25/2006 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beq I read this to Mimi over the phone. She's happy for you too!!

At 3/25/2006 9:42 AM, Blogger Jed Carosaari said...

Congratulations Rebecca! I'm glad it went well.

At 3/26/2006 3:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats Bex! You are going to be a splendid teacher. And what a joy to spend your day with 4 year olds! How fun. post pictures of your tutilage when you have a chance. I bet they are as adorable as anything.

At 3/26/2006 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, Beq - I used to say anyone who could toilet train toddlers could teach, and David begged to differ, as he's had no experience in that area, and is having way too much fun student teaching second graders at the public school where he attended second grade, with his old teacher as his student tchg. supervisor! He was mid-sentence on a lesson on verbs when he spied a pr. of girl's undies on the floor at his feet and immediately couldn't speak in ANY language. Had another girl deposit them on the teacher's desk (original owner still unidentified), and tried to consider how they could have been dropped there, as they are passed the age where you need to bring an extra set from home just in case... Managed to finish the lesson without the rest of the class discovering what had happened. Anyway, I suggested he was getting his trial by fire via a different route. He finished reading James and the Giant Peach on his last day, complete with cockney, Aussie, Bronx, and southern accents for the various critters. Doing fifth grade for this rotation. He can't wait to dig into a Real Class of his own. Best wishes on this next endeavor - just for one year, or maybe...? Love, Aunt Bev

At 3/26/2006 9:22 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Rebecca I was just thinking of you this morning as I looked at the new teaching material for the next 11 weeks at NHCC in the K-5 class. To my surpirse it had your name in it and everything. Many congrats to you as you embark on yet another journey in doing what you love doing the most.

At 3/27/2006 3:28 AM, Blogger Bequita17 said...

Thanks for all your encouraging comments! I did get the contract handed to me on Friday and I didn't have to think twice about signing it! The turnaround time was less than I have ever seen for getting the Director's cosignature on a contract, but he told me to make a note that it is "with regrets" that they are are accepting my reassignment to instruction because they really wish I would stay in the office.

At 3/27/2006 1:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


So, when do you start teaching full time? Do you have to finish your term in the office? Check out my blog, I need your advice on an upcoming trip to the big apple.

love ya,

At 3/27/2006 2:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just noticed you have a shane & shan e link too. You're a fan as well? We really enjoy their music. So theologically true. Any other artists you'd recommend?

At 3/28/2006 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toutes mes felicitations Rebecca! Je suis tes aventures africaines regulierement et je pense bcp a toi mais ecrire ... c`est autre chose.
Gros bisous de Bruxelles,

At 3/28/2006 12:11 PM, Blogger Bequita17 said...

Merci, Judit ! Je pense souvent à toi aussi. Quand est ce que tu viens passer des vacances ici ???

At 3/30/2006 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mahbrook! I'll see you in a week!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you!

At 4/01/2006 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Becky!
Your Dad sent your blog site to me!
Did you hear that Sara & Tony are expecting in June? Glad you'll be home in July! Maybe you can see Sara's baby girl? Congrats on your new position! God bless you.
Love, Doc & Mrs. K

At 4/02/2006 6:06 PM, Blogger Bequita17 said...

Glad you got to my blog, Mrs. K! Sara found me through Julie Kieras, so I did hear the good news - congrats on the little grandbaby coming along! I'm not sure if I will have the time to get up to CT this summer, but if I can swing it would certainly love to meet the little Swanger!
Take care - R


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