Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sympathy Sleep Loss

When I first moved to South Carolina my sister was pregnant. Whenever she would forget anything we would blame it on Pregnancy Memory Loss. Well, for some reason that year I started developping this crazy forgetfulness which I labeled Sympathy Pregnancy Memory Loss.

My sister is pregnant with number three - he's due to arrive September 18th although he seems to be threatening early arrival. My sister was just bemoaning her lack of sleep yesterday. Well, last night I didn't sleep very well. I'm calling it Sympathy Sleep Loss...

I started a Herbal Anti-Parasite/Amoeba Cleanse last night and I have to take this toxin absorber just before bed with a big glass of organic apple juice followed by a big glass of water. So where am I supposed to find organic apple juice in Africa??? The directions said you could make your own, so I took the four suggested apples and tried to figure out without the directions how to make the juicer thing work on our blender. I was unsuccessful so I just ended up putting the 4 peeled apples in with some bottled water and creating a runny applesauce. I mixed that with the toxin absorber, but that made it really thick, so then mixed in more water, and MORE water. Eventually I drank it, the taste wasnt bad, but some of the powder got a little clumpy. So then I had the plain water. All that ammounted to me getting up 3 times in the night to use the bathroom... Plus, because of the digestive stimulator i took before dinner and then the toxin absorber which pulls the toxins and mucous out of your intestinal lining (yuck!) I had my innerds making all sorts of rummbling noises and felt bloated and uncomfortable. then it was kind of stuffy in my room because i wanted the window/shades closed to keep out the sunlight which wakes me up at 6 regardless of the fact that it's saturday (the sun is so unforgiving!). When I woke up at 5:24 not only did i have to get up to use the toilet but there was also a mosquito buzzing around. So, I turned on the hall light and opened the door for a bit hoping he would exit. As a precaution for my face i tried to sleep with the covers over my head, just in case. Of course that made it even stuffier in my room... I ended up getting up at 8am, which I realize is not early for moms of young whippersnappers, but didn't give me as much sleep as I was hoping for.


My friend Reta is still in the clinique and I was there Thursday & Friday with her. She had another session of dialysis yesterday afternoon and may be transferred to Paris on Monday. They still do not know the cause of the kidney failure but have several positive signs that her kidneys have started functioning some on their own. Please keep praying!


At 8/26/2006 12:04 PM, Blogger Jed Carosaari said...

So, this mosquito, after you opened the door, it landed finally on Lauren or Karen? ;-)

At 8/26/2006 12:14 PM, Blogger drh said...

Oh man...

Rebecca, I don't know whether to laugh or cry here. You're getting hit from every angle lately - I'm so sorry.

Maybe I'll try to do some sympathy mosquito swatting for you.

At 8/29/2006 9:07 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

Rebecca, how is your computer doing? Any more problems recently? ~Shannon.

At 8/31/2006 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually managed to sleep through the night last night...I think... Anyway, hopefully you won't have to keep up this sympathy thing too much longer!!


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