30 Years Ago Today...

Greeting my birthday with a smile!
I got up and found my latest favorite purple outfit and then went into the kitchen and found both my roommates also in purple and black - what a great day to wear purple! Lauren made deliciouso pancakes and Karen whipped up some syrup (nope - can't buy that in Africa!). I brewed some Lavazza Il Mattino coffee in my French press (poured into my favorite purple mug) and we sat down for really yummy breakfast before rushing off to school.
Hey Big Sis,
Happy Birthday!!!!
Becky and I are both thinking of you today, and can't wait for July 8th. We had a great time in charleston for kate's wedding and it was a great place to celebrate our anniversary. I've got some really good pictures. I can post them on my business website or I can try to email them, which ever is easier for you.
we love you,
danny & becky
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... One more month until the beginning of my last year in my 20's. Uuggh! I'm still having problems with my site. As I said, I can view it when I sign in, but that's it!
Thanks Danny, Becky & Shannon! I can't wait to see you guys this summer :)
Danny - what's your biz website? If you post them there, that will be easy for me. I would LOVE to see pix!
Sorry about your site Shannon - they need to fix it!!!
Beq, It's fixed. I went and looked at the list of everyone else who has had problems and asked for help. It was my template. I had to change my template and republish it! You can now view it. Yippee!
and by the way Danny - i think i qualify as your LITTLE sis!
You're pretty hot stuff for 30!!! This is an awesome pic of you!!
love Rae
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