More friends helping me celebrate!
Thank you, Thank you very much!
(I can just hear my dad's impression of that line!)

David, Sarah, Mary, Hind, Rosemary, me & Melissa

David & Cyndi share my office space and are regular contributors to my Word-Of-The-Day contest (today's word is Pickwickian - any guesses?). Sarah from Alaska was one of my roommates when I first moved here in August.
Amazing - your birthday's on the 24th this year again!! Close your eyes and if you listen REAL close, you can hear me singing happy birthday to you!! I hope you had an ABSOLUTELY wonderful day. I miss you!!!!!!
Love you!
Thanks! Miss you too!
Hey - is your birthday on the 19th again this year? Seems I heard that somewhere....
Hey, it's Andy from Shepherding Group back in the U.S.A.!
Just heard you had a blog going and wanted to say happy birthday and continue to be well!
Thanks, Andy! I'll be back in G-ville July 21-20. Can't wait to see you, Beth, Liam and Squishier (is there a duedate yet?)!
Thanks for the French rendition of happy birthday. Becky mentioned she was a little jealous because she got it in english. Sorry we didn't get to answer, we were in a meeting at church. and yes i agree that you would qualify as my lil' sister but it just sounded to funny to not type it.
Danny - glad you guys had great birthdays and a fab anniversary in Charleston! i'm definitely jealous about that - it's such a cute town. Love to you!
Happy Birthday! VERY belated I'm afraid!
Pickwickian... does that have anything to do with the Pickwick Papers (which I THINK is Charles Dickens?) I'm not really sure - that's just my first guess off the top of my head! :)
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